最新消息 - 第5页 共7页 - Viva Pharmaceutical Inc.

2014年8月9日 – Viva家庭日聚會

Viva held its Family Day event on the 9th of August, 2014 at the Continental Seafood Restaurant, a hidden gem within Richmond’s thriving community. This event demonstrated the company’s dedication to its core policy: philanthropy and tracing back one’s roots to its community. Viva acted out its dedication to its staff and members in every sense of the word.

Walking through the tables of content staff members, one could hopefully sense the meaning behind the day’s events: the concept of family and being-of-one. This event had a key function: to welcome new individuals to the Viva Family, and to enforce the existing interpersonal bonds formed by the veterans of the company.




9月30日,Ko family和Viva公司慷慨地提供了$200, 000捐贈給UBC大學的泌尿外科學研究和教育項目。


Ko family和Viva公司慷慨地捐贈了$160, 000給卑詩省兒童醫院基金會。

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